IMG_4127You’re busy. Are you writing? This is one of the questions that comes up often for clients of mine. Between a day job, family commitments and plain old procrastination, it can be tough for some folks to get a decent writing schedule going.  A client asked me – how much he should be writing. It’s a great question: How much writing is enough?

My answer: As much or as little as you can. The trick is to show up to the writing work, in whatever form on a regular basis. There are some people who insist that writers must show up for hours every day, but I’ve never been one of those people. For me, it’s about touching the work, bit by bit. I wrote a play once in five minutes a day. And it’s a really good play. That’s why I believe consistency is more important than long stretches of writing time. Any writing counts, so jump in where you can as consistently as you can. Drop into the work over and over again. If that’s daily, great. If that’s a few days a week, great.

The key is to be in it. The more you’re in it, the more it grows.

What are your thoughts about how much is enough?

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