This 3-month, one-on-one intensive – designed around your specific needs – is about you and me working hand-in-hand to GET YOUR SCRIPT FINISHED.

But you don’t just want a finished script.

(There are lots of people in this town with finished scripts.)

YOU want to have a finished script that is great. Because that is what will take you to the next level.

And you can do it. After all, you wouldn’t be reading this if part of you didn’t truly believe you have that script inside you.


In our weekly guidance and accountability conversations, followed by real-world homework, we’ll cover the areas that you, personally, need to know: I’m happy to start at the basics of idea generation, or concentrate on teaching you how to craft the grace notes that make scenes sing.

These three months are called an “intensive” because a solid commitment of focus and time is required to bring any project to life.

(But how amazing will it feel to have your first great script D-O-N-E? It will feel pretty damn amazing, I assure you.)


If you’re starting from scratch, I’ve got a step-by-step framework that we’ll step through week by week. If you’ve got material we’ll focus on the parts of that framework that will zero in on what you need.

The framework contains: 

  • Idea generation
  • Character creation
  • Structure
  • Developing an outline
  • Elements of a good scene
  • Fashioning powerful stage directions
  • Writing moment by moment
  • Creating powerful act breaks and cliffhangers

This opportunity to work with me will be guided by your creative impulses and your diligent work. Your results will depend, as they always do, on the effort you put in.

I guarantee that at the end of our time together:

  • your script will be in much better shape than it is in right now
  • you will have advanced your skills as a writer
  • you’ll know exactly what needs to be done (if anything) to polish your script
  • and you’ll know what your next step is in the development process

This 3-month intensive is unlike any “class” or “workshop” you’ll find anywhere else. You will be receiving personalized guidance designed to encourage you, challenge you, and satisfy you.

3 months

$2250 / paid in full ($750/month)

$800 / per month in 3 installments